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These search terms have been highlighted:  guy  claude  burger 


Instinctothérapie: le gourou Guy-Claude Burger, pédophile, condamné à quinze ans 

Instinctotherapy: the guru sentenced to fifteen years jail for pedophilia

MELUN, 6 déc (AFP) - Guy-Claude Burger, founder of the Instinctotherapy cult, has been sentenced thursday dec 6th 2001 to fifteen years criminal emprisonment thru the High Court [cour d'assises] of Seine et Marne, for having abused sexually children and teenagers in the Castle of Montramé, seat of the cult, near Provins [that's at 40 miles of Paris].

The general Attorney had asked 15 years against this man that she had qualified of being a manipulator and "unamendable" [impossible to amend] as he had already been sentenced for similar facts in Switzerland.

Jean-Claude Rostaing, accused of sex abuse complicity to have forced his own girlfriend to get into triangular relationships with Guy-Claude Burger, has been sentenced to 5 years.

Guy Claude Burger is contesting the accusations against him, while being author of a theory advicing sexual relationships between adults and children.

His defenders had pleaded the acquittal based on the doubt potentiality, saying that the accusation was dealing into rants and pure fabrications of the main victim, Audrey, who was 11 when the crime happened.

Note: the criminal cult scientology has linked itself to each and every cult of the list of 172 cults established by the french deputies.

More specifically, the criminal cult scientology has paid henchmen, through the association "Omnium des Libertés", and other factual associations comprising people of various countries, to attack the french officials or associations engaged into the battle against criminal cults.

Between the cults specifically engaging into bad treatments against children, or cults or cults leaders defending the right of adults to have sex with children, was the cult "La Thébaïde", whose main leaders came to "complain of discrimnations" before the criminal cult's henchmen, in march 2000. La thébaïde was gheard by the faked "court of human rights" mounted by scientology.

It seems that the guru was not engaged into those cultic wars; contray to scientology and some other criminal cults.