DE's article
is subtitled: From failure on conventional high-carb, low-fat
diet to low-carb, high-protein, no-problem. Dean is host and
moderator of the PALEODIET listgroup, and coordinator of several other
internet lists including LOWCARB. DE: I HAVE LONG HAD what I feel to
be undiagnosed hypoglycemia. All the symptoms were there for many years.
I have also been struggling with my weight for many years. DE: I spent a few years as a dedicated
low-fat dieter. Yet there was a problem. I suffered from constantly fluctuating
energy levels, moodiness, heart palpitations, racing pulse, very low HDL
cholesterol, and moderately elevated triglycerides. DE: After meeting my wife, we tried
harder and harder to stick to the low-fat paradigm and to exercise. DE: We both suffered severe energy
fluctuations from this. DE: When this alone didn't work,
we switched to a near-vegan vegetarian lifestyle, limiting intake of refined
sugars to very low levels ... DE: ... subsisting mostly on brown
rice, beans, mushrooms, fresh fruits and vegetables, occasional nuts,
pita bread, small amounts of hummus, and small amounts of fat-free cheeses
or an occasional bit of peanut butter now and then. DE: We made sure to get about 45
grams daily of protein (which we were told is all anyone should need by
health experts), DE: ... we ate no more than 20 or
30 grams a day of fat ... DE: ... no animal fat, and no animal
protein (or animal products of any kind) at all except for the small amounts
of cheese. DE: We also did our best to limit
our calorie intake, eating only when hungry and trying hard not to overeat. DE: We also did our best to limit
our calorie intake, eating only when hungry and trying hard not to overeat. DE: In one month on such a regimen,
I gained five pounds, and my poor wife Rosemary gained twenty. DE: I couldn't sleep. My heart palpitations
and racing pulse were worse than ever. I was not only hungry most of the
time, but almost every night I would wake from a sound sleep with a gnawing,
almost painful hunger. We would both try hard not to overeat, but we both
were so ravenously HUNGRY all the time, it was nearly impossible to stop
eating without constantly being miserable and spending every minute trying
not to think about food. DE: In truth I was eating at least
3 quarts of cooked brown rice daily, several cups of beans, and considerable
amounts of fruits, fruit juices, fresh salads, fresh nuts, and so on.
DE: And despite the fact that I was eating like a horse, I was never satiated. I was ravenous almost all day, every day, and was so screamingly hungry most of the time it interfered with my sleep and with functioning normally. DE: Well, a month or so in the promised
land of near-vegan vegetarianism told me and my wife that this was not
going to work for us. DE: After months of experimenting
we found something that did, a high-fat, high-protein diet as described
by the likes of Michael and Mary Eades (in their book Protein Power) and
Robert Atkins (in his book The New Diet Revolution). DE: To the contrary, I think everyone should
do their best to find out what works for them. DE: [a variety of claims about diminished previous symptoms] DE: We were promised that if we
stuck to a diet low in fat, low in protein, and high in complex carbohydrates,
we would feel better, look better, lose weight easily and without hunger,
and have more energy. I was a True Believer in this for years, but it
never happened. When I switched to a mostly-vegan diet, I was also
told I'd feel better, have more energy, would lose weight easily and without
hunger, and so on. Again, it didn't happen.