Tasty Tidbits and
tardly Dietary Dogma

     Most books, articles, and web sites on diet and nutrition, especially those on "alternative" diets, are written by folks who, although quite possibly sincere, could not pass an 8th grade science quiz, or add 1/2 + 1/3.  Thus, they generally are full of nonsense, errors of fact, faulty (or no) logic, unsupported rumors, innumeracy, errors copied from other credibility-challenged sources, or the unsupported belief systems of various fad-diet microcultures.

     Worse, most orthodox nutritional texts tout the orthodox party line, conceptually sponsored by the USDA, which is nothing more than a trade organization of the agricultural/meat/dairy/grain industries.  The "scientists" supporting the Big Four Food Group mythical paradigm, although they may have some limited expertise in a narrow, restricted field, are so ill-educated in the broader sense as to actually believe that animal flesh, milk, eggs, and grains are useful 'foods' for our frugivorous ape species when there is not one iota of scientifically credible evidence supporting these traditional, profit-oriented beliefs.  
     That humans are indeed frugivorous apes is evidenced by the fact that the "genetic distance" between chimpanzees and humans is only a scant 1.6%, and clearly, that difference is expressed in the physical differences, not in inherent digestive and systemic biochemistry.
     In fact, all scientific evidence, not unsupported opinion, refutes these dogmatic beliefs in the Big Four Food Groups.  Yes, even "scientists" have been so conditioned by their life-long cultural dietary programming, starting at birth, that they have totally lost their objectivity in this most fundamental concept of human diet.

     This page will link to analyses and correction of some of these totally absurd, absolutely unsupportable, yet annoyingly enduring myths, in addition to providing other interesting information.


Do It Yourself Food Compositional Research Tools
Jerry Story's DMAK : description and free download in Windoze and Linux flavors John Coleman's RawDay RDI spreadsheet


Comparative Anatomy of Eating Milk is a "good" source of calcium
Humans are omnivores The Myth of "Balance"
Chimp hunting and flesh-eating Percent calories as xxx
primate diets   Myth: Exercise makes one lose weight
Obesity: the cause and cure Bill Gates: Junk Software to Junk Food
Mercury in your brain from amalgam fillings Anthrax in food
herbs, toxic effects, and pharmaceuticals sugar and endogenous opioids: why sugar is addictive
How to eliminate "colds/flus" by simple dietary change or Cleansing reactions: the care and feeding of drastic drop in vitamins/minerals:
USDA does not care
Men-stru-ation: another hoax New Food Log


Meat, oh glorious meat...

Japanese cancer profiles Famous Dead Meat Moguls
Meat and deaths from heart disease  (graph) cause and effect?
Anxiety and Depression in Meat-Eaters raw meat death
Meat and colorectal cancer Owsley Stanley: the ultimate meat-head
Beef is a "good" source of iron skeletal/mineral
anxiety and depression in meat-eaters stroke
Atkins' diet/ketogenic atopic dermatitis
Atkins' Nightmare Diet cancer and diet
Atkins goes broke! contaminated meat
cooking denatures proteins diabetes
fats kidney disease and meat-eating
fatty foods cause cognitive decline meat
fecal flora (bacteria) medical costs of meat consumption
saturated fat/cholesterol and dementia Meat Habit is Fueling World Famine New
SIDS: linked to cow milk? Study: Burgers are as addictive as heroin.
Botulism in fermented beaver tail  
PMS Are you getting enough protein?
Protein Paranoia protein


Critiques of other articles:

Anthro-apology: creative writing disguised as science.

"Meat-Eating in Human Evolution"
"Food for Thought"; or Food for Propaganda?
"Cooking as a Biological Trait": Who Is Kidding Whom?  Coming soon...
 "The Predatory Behavior and Ecology of Wild Chimpanzees" - Dr. Craig B. Stanford
More chimp hunting
Can our bodies survive the raw food revolution? [new]


Critical Path by Buckminster Fuller Cooking 'improves benefits' of vegetables  
Instinctotherapy: why it "stincts"  
Debunking the 'Zone Diet' by Charles Attwood, MD Blood Type Diet, Fact or Fiction, Michael Klaper, MD


Raw Food

Raw food: healthy choices on a raw vegan diet "Raw vs Cooked" - a critique
Surprising Effects of Raw Food
The "living enzyme" myth Cooking vegetables 'improves benefits' 


Vacuous, vicious, vapid vegetarians/vegans:

Jeff Nelson of VegSource.com  Lorehn Lockman's Tanglewood Wellness Center
Dr. Harris of VegSource.com "Ethical vegetarians/vegans"
Tom Billings and beyondveg.com Steven Walsh of the Vegan Society
Doug Graham, or someone forging his name  John McArdle, Ph.D. and The Vegetarian Resource Group


Random Sources

Chicken Soup for the Cold
Cold Wars: Echinacea vs. Chicken Soup


Opioid (Opium-like) Residues in "foods":

Why people are addicted to grains and dairy.
Opioid residues and autism  
    click "Autism Section"
Other information on opioids in "foods"
     Kalle Reichelt, M.D. Pediatric Research Institute
Opioid residues as the cause of civilization gluten (wheat protein) and schizophrenia
Opioid residues in "foods"  


Links on the hazards of eating soy:

Soy: Too Good to Be True Research on Why to Avoid Soy
Trouble With Tofu: Soy and the Brain Institute of Food Research on Soy
Soy Online Service Vegan Society UK soy info
Mercola's Soy Index  soy
Soy destroys forests, small farmers, and your sperm. Soy infant formula may hinder immune system
soy ploy: phytoestrogens  


Diet Research

Alzheimer's disease is this why we are all crazy?
allergy kidney disease and meat-eating
B-12 saturated fat/cholesterol and dementia
BMI: Body Mass Index SIDS: linked to cow milk?
cancer and diet skeletal/mineral
carcinogens in the home fecal flora (bacteria)
cardiovascular disease vegetarian diet linked to  High IQ
contaminated meat stroke
cooking denatures proteins starch
diabetes Study: Burgers are as addictive as heroin.
DDT in human milk and mental decline in children time of eating influences amount eaten
fats vegetarian/vegan
fatty foods cause cognitive decline vegetarians/vegans in space



drug co$t$ $oar no standards in US "healthcare"
Pharmaceutical drug disaster US "healthcare" kills ~250,000/yr
Stoned Pharmacists Are breast implants safe?
Improving Health Care: Who Will Lead? Are Medical Lectures Harmful to ... Learning?
Drug Sales Up 11%: JUL 00-JUN 01 Nurses: stressed and dissatisfied
underage drinking epidemic Why is There a Quality Chasm in Health Care?
Inspector General cuts pharmaceutical payola Medical Professionalism: Can It, Should It Survive?
The Painful Truth: Physicians Are Not Invincible Physician Income Up in 2001
Medication Errors in US Hospitals Mortalities Associated With Medication Errors
US mental health care "in shambles" Clinical practice lags behind research
Diabetes costs US $132 billion in 2002 Difficult Duty of Disclosing Medical Errors
Medication errors kill 7,000 in US in 1999 Professionalism in Medicine?
Doctors' strike in Israel may be good for health  In-office surgery is 10 times as risky
Exposure to cats is schizophrenia risk Drugs killing thousands of seniors yearly
Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies  American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US [new]
Largest Whistle-Blower Law Suit Against Pharmcos One in Nine Emergency Room Visits Caused by Pharmaceuticals [new]
Cholesterol Screening Is Urged for Young [new] Methadone, prescribed as a pain killer, kills PEOPLE. [new]


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